Sherdog’s Top 10: Biggest Underachievers
Lev Pisarsky presents Sherdog's list of 10 fighters who, for a
variety of reasons, fell short of their incredible potential.
By The Numbers: Ken Shamrock
While “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” devolved into something of a
caricature late in his career, his long-lasting contributions to
5 Things You Might Not Know About Bas Rutten
Born on Feb. 24, 1965, the Tilburg, Netherlands, native completed
his career in 2006 with a 28-4-1 record that saw him finish 24 of
his 28...
By The Numbers: Frank Shamrock
The Santa Monica, California, native in many ways was a forerunner
to the modern mixed martial artist, a game-changing competitor
defined by his...